Telling Stories:
Past, Present, Future
Episcopal Women's History Project

March 6th
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Molly James, Interim Executive Officer and Secretary of General Convention
Topic: “Women in the Church: Past and Present”
March 27th
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Lynn A. Collins, Retired Rector, UBE National 1st Vice President; Film Producer
Topic: “Southern Black Women of Change”, 30 minute film with introduction and followup Q&A
2025 Lenten Series
March 13th
Speaker: Sister Ellen Francis, OSH, Librarian & Archivist of the Order of St. Helena
Topic: “Order of St. Helena: History and Development of their Psalter & Breviary”
April 3rd
Speaker: Julie Garbus, Ph.D., Independent Scholar
Topic: “Vida Scudder: Episcopal Revolutionary”
March 20th
Speaker: The Rev. Antonia Anderson, Rector, Church of the Resurrection, Omaha, NE
Topic: “Trangender & Christian: One Woman’s Experience”
April 10th
Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Robyn M. Neville, Ph.D, Senior Associate Rector and Theologian-in-Residence, St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church, Boca Raton, FL
Topic: “Miracles of Powers in the Saints’ Narratives from Medieval Ireland”

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Our Work:
The EWHP Grants are given to encourage a woman, or someone who knows a woman, to tell the story of a woman who has made a difference in the world. Financial support is available to explore history about women by facility writing, electronic production, researching and at times travel.
The EWHP Awards are usually given to a woman who has done a project, a printed project, a creative series of programs, or an online project. The Awards are designed to celebrate the work of women do within Episcopal local churches, broader organizations in a Diocese, or other creative ideas. There are times when men of the Episcopal Church undertake history projects about women.
This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered and highlight any special benefits or features.