
Adelaide Teague Case Award

Ruth Alexander Award

Mary Donovan Prize in Women’s History
Those nominated for the Case Award should have a record of work making substantial contributions to the EWHP mission of preserving and telling the story of women in the Church. This award is given every three years during the General Convention. The EWHP Awards Committee is responsible for selecting the person eligible for this award. It is awarded in General Convention years. Adelaide Teague Case was the first woman to teach full-time at one of the Episcopal seminaries.
The Ruth Alexander Award is given annually to a scholar for a published work (article or book) that best exemplifies the use of local or diocesan historical materials to illuminate women’s roles in the church. Nominations should be made include one copy of the work. The award is given during the Annual Meeting of Episcopal Women’s History Project. The EWHP Awards Committee is responsible for selecting the person eligible for this award. The Award honors Dr. Ruth Alexander, who served on the EWHP board and published articles on the history of Episcopal women working at the local or diocesan level.
Honoring EWHP founder, Mary Donovan, the prize is given to a seminary student paper on some aspect of women’s history in the Episcopal Church. The EWH Awards Committee selects the recipient.

Malcolm and Pat Diesenroth Parish Award
The Diesenroth Award encourages parish efforts to preserve and tell its history, especially including the stories of its women. It is awarded after the fact as recognition of the effort. Efforts are not limited to traditional forms, but can include honoring ceremonies, liturgies, cookbooks, calendars, or other creative forms of acknowledgement. The EWHP Awards Committee is responsible for selecting this parish award.

Joanna Gillespie Award for Creativity
The Joanna Gillespie Award for Creativity is awarded to a woman who has accomplished a vision that creates a story that is remarkable. The EWHP Awards Committee is responsible for selecting this parish award. It is named for one of the two women who had the vision to create EWHP and nurtured it for years as Board members and officers

The Every Woman Counts Award - In Honor of Susan Johnson
The Every Woman Counts Award goes to a woman who has persevered to accomplish something extraordinary in her church, her diocese or in another church organization. The EWHP Awards Committee is responsible for selecting this woman for the award. It honors a former EWHP president who spent a decade working to add Artemisia Bowden to the list of those honored in Lesser Feast and Fasts.