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Upcoming Events:

Tri-History Conference | ​June 17-21, 2025

Caminemos con Jesús (Let's Walk with Jesus):
History of Latino Ministry in the Episcopal Church

This conference is an opportunity to explore the rich history of Latino Ministry in the Episcopal Church and Anglicanism – the history of local churches, Latinx ministries, leadership, liturgy, music, translation, regional histories, organizations, and social movements. The conference format promises opportunities for all interested persons – laity, clergy, educators, and academics. Parish teams are encouraged to attend. In addition to keynote and panel presentations, workshops are part of the program, including parish history, oral history methods, and archival best practices, and other creative presentations are encouraged. Registration cost is $295 and will open January 1st. Information about costs, organization meetings, and other conference activities will be posted when available.


The 2025 Tri-History Conference will be held at Saint Alban's Episcopal School, next to the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. from Tuesday , June 17 through Saturday, June 21, 2025. ​To allow for travel, the program begins the evening of the 17th and ends the morning of the 21st.

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