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Archives of the Episcopal Church:
EWHP’s repository for oral histories, newsletters, and Deaconess Project materials, it is also the depository for the archives of several women’s organizations including the Episcopal Church Women (and its predecessor, the Women’s Auxiliary) and the Girls Friendly Society.
Project Canterbury – material on women includes many 19th century and early 20th century pamphlets, memoirs, books and biographies.
Photographs taken by Deaconess Harriet Bedell while working with the Seminole in Florida:
New York Training School for Deaconesses Finding Aid:
Ella DeLoria Archive personal and professional papers of a leading Lakota Episcopalian and anthropologist who worked on native culture:
African American Episcopal Historical Collection. The oral history collection includes women who were change agents:
Daughters of the King archives:
Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Archives has easily searchable material on women’s organizations and individual church women:
Historic Sites:
Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice:
Elizabeth Cady Stanton House:
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